A Full and FREE two-week Keto Diet Plan with day by day meals included! If you want to skip the post scroll down to the link and get your Free plan Now What is a keto diet - essence and benefits Many of us have heard of it, but do we know exactly what a keto diet is? It is one of the most applicable methods for losing weight and improving health. There are many diets and diets, but keto, also known as the ketogenic diet, has some specific recommendations, which can be characterized by the fact that they bring quick results in the fight against weight gain. In addition, there are many health benefits for all body. Someone is familiar with the combination of what the keto diet precedes. What is the keto diet and how usually? The keto diet is low in carbohydrates - a high diet that bears a resemblance to the Atkins diet. But, in contrast, the ketogenic diet focuses on fat, which is enough for 90% of daily calories. The idea is to minimize carbohydrate intake. Understand the keto diet are ...
Called the "white poison", but also considered one of the forerunners of life on Earth, sugar is one of the oldest nutrients in the world. What else do you not know about her? 1. In the 16th century, a teaspoon of sugar had the equivalent of five dollars today. 2. The word "sugar" comes from the Sanskrit "sharkara", which means "material in the form of granules". 3. Sugar leads to addiction, which can be inherited genetically. 4. Sugar and alcohol have similar toxic effects on the liver. 5. A 2013 study found that at least 180,000 deaths worldwide were related to the consumption of sugary drinks. 6. One teaspoon of white sugar has 15 calories. 7. 200 years ago, the average American ate only 2 kg of sugar a year. Today this amount is almost 46 kg. 8. In New Guinea, sugar cane was the first to be processed. 9. Brazil is the largest producer of sugar in the world. 10. India is the largest consumer of sugar in the world, but at the bottom of ...